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Dad, What example should I follow?

(A short message on the significant example a parent portrays to their child when the parent disagrees with the child’s baseball coach)

Baseball is front and centre of both my son’s life and mine. Baseball and schoolwork (and how he speaks to his mum) are some of the reasons for most of our father-son rifts at home. I hope some of you can relate to this and I’m not leaving myself hanging out there on a limb.

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Dad, It doesn’t help!

During the 2014 season I asked my son what do all the kids in the dugout think when their parents urge them on with ‘instructions’ and ‘encouragement’ as they are playing the game? He said bluntly, they don’t like it.

I further pressed him, what about when I call out some last second reminders just before you bat, you know, the things we’ve talked about during the week and to help you remember what to do. Again, he didn’t mince his words and said, “Dad, it doesn’t help.”Read More »Dad, It doesn’t help!

Lessons from a first time Tee Ball coach

“What in the world have I got myself involved with?”

My son Solomon wanted to play tee 6  five, was in his first year of school, and his friends Nick, Charlie and Carter were asking him to show his face at the initiation day. Frieda, my wife, was to have taken him while I took my daughter to a school band rehearsal. Instead, I took him, signed him up, and then responded to the head baseball coach’s altar call for parents to be coaches. Like a good sinner I responded first, with my hand raised high, confessing my allegiance to the club and my son’s team – never having played the game before, never having coached five and six year old’s before—and like always with me, when getting involved in something new thinking “what in the world have I got myself involved with?”Read More »Lessons from a first time Tee Ball coach