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The Castle Hill Knights Baseball club committee strives to make baseball a great experience for everyone. 
We hope the efforts of the club and its committee might inspire you to volunteer or even join as a committee member. If you are interested in volunteering at the club or joining the committee, please get in touch or speak to one of our committee members.

Executive Committee

PresidentMark Maguire0452 663 473president[at]
V/P JuniorsBen Price0417 449 299vpjuniors[at]
V/P SeniorsAndrew McLaughlinvpseniors[at]
SecretaryAdam Billington0418 290 482secretary[at]
TreasurerWayne Edwards0421 899 725 treasurer[at]


Teeball Coordinator Brad Lacey
Neil Thomas
Registrar (Juniors)Elizabeth Ahmedjuniorsregistrar[at]
Registrar (Seniors)Andrew McLaughlinvpseniors[at]
Results RecorderAlicia Lansomresults[at]
UniformsVeronica Langthorneuniforms[at]
Umpire CoordinatorVicki Leclereumpires[at]
Gear StewardRob Lansomequipment[at]
Grounds Damien Eren
Ben Price
Canteen CoordinatorJenny Zhangcanteen[at]
Web, Social & Marketing ManagerMatt Shawweb[at]
Coaching AccreditationNathan Jenner
Winter Grade CoordinatorMatt Watsonwinterleague[at]
Tournaments Coordinator Neil Thomastournaments[at]
Player DevelopmentWes Howick
Hills DelegateAdam Billingtonhillsdelegate[at]
Senior League DelegateAndrew McLaughlinvpseniors[at]
Sponsorship &
Fund Raising
Fiona Billingtonfundraiser[at]
Social CommitteeLyn Griffithssocial[at]
Council Coordinator Adam Billington
Ben Price
Dispute Resolution
Matt Watsondisputes[at]

^ Replace the ‘[at]‘ with the correct symbol ‘@’ in the email address.