*Looking for older junior players to assist in coaching for 2016/17***
We are always looking for competent and caring older junior players (aged from 14-18 and above) to volunteer their time and skills to help assist the dads who take on the head coach role for a team.
The dads need your help in teaching the finer art of the game with all its skills and technicalities. Some head coaches are fine and are adeqautely supported by the other mums and dads in the team. But most of them need the expertise you Juniors have been taught and learned from years of experience.
Help will be needed from teeballers all the way to U13s. This is your chance to give to the community. This is your chance to not see who has the most winning team but who wants to leave an impression that will count in the lives of others who will look up to you.
Please contact Mark Maguire or Matt Watson via email or mobile phone. Those details are in the contact section of our website. We are eager to hear from you. We need you.