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New Castle Hill Knights Jersey – Available!

The brand ‘all spanking’ new Castle Hill Knights jersey are available for pick up this Saturday August 29 between noon and 3pm and Sunday August 30 between 9am and noon at Castle Glen.

  1. You would have had to pay your online registration first and that includes the cost of the jersey.
  2. If you want your child’s name on the back you MUST email Louise Hastings with your child’s first or last name in CAPITALS.This will cost you an extra $10 to be given in cash on Saturday 29 or Sunday 30 August.This will be your ONLY opportunity to get your name on the back. So you must respond to this email or tell the club helpers out on the weekend.

    The new jerseys will be handed to the printer on Monday morning and the process will take a week.

  3. You will have an opportunity for your child to try on a sample of their size on Saturday or Sunday before taking it away with you.Don’t worry if you made an initial error in judgement of your child’s size. This can be corrected. However, once a name goes on the shirt, then there are no exchanges.
  4. You can’t use nicknames nor can you choose your child’s favourite number. The numbers will be handed out randomly.As Derek Jeter made #2 famous and Jackie Robinson made #42 famous, so our kids can make the number on their backs famous.Everyone will have many numbers on their backs in all the teams they will play in.


  5. The jersey is for game days only and not for training and not for casual wear during the week.
  6. We hope all of you have paid your registration online and with that secured your jersey.The season is only three Saturdays away and most of our teams will be playing Greenway Giants (Cherrybrook) in a warm up friendly match on Saturday 5 September.Therefore, if you have put off paying your registration fees and purchasing your slick new jersey, put off no longer.
  7. We are hoping you will get at least two years in your new jersey.The players are going to look the toast of the town in their new strip. It is going to be great seeing them all have a wonderful season.You will be able to buy belts and hats, etc, and the ever popular high demand Knights hoodies also on Saturday and Sunday.

    The club website should have all the prices.

See you on the weekend.

Mark Maguire
Castle Hill Baseball Club President